Friday, February 21, 2020

Letter to the Past

- instructive ideas for success in classes (Creative Photo)
- Photo taking tips, class time use, ideas
- Include 1 sample (how it fulfilled, what it took, and what i would do differently)

Dear past self,

You are going to be pretty pleased with where you are at in the future, but don't forget that you still have a long way to go before your life is fulfilling. You still have to get your license, take time to clean your room, and you've yet to make time to sit down and read that book (The Witcher). Do NOT slack in math, but aside from that keep going steady. Specific to Creative Photography, make sure to actually take time and effort in the projects, because it can be fun if you make it fun. Also, don't hesitate to experiment on your own (try that paint and milk thing, set up your GoPro). Set reminders when things are due. When it comes to taking photos, try to get optimum lighting and angles, as well as try to use an actual camera once in a while. Photoshop is a tool, use it. Even for personal projects. You know u like working with paints, so don't be afraid to get a white tarp out and get messy. Below is an example of photography. The focus differentiates and the color is vibrant and strong. It took many tries to get, but next time try to get the picture from a more upward angle.

Be you soon

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