Monday, December 16, 2019

1st Semester Reflection


1. Quality of work
· your actual images (contrast, focus, composition)
· quality of your subject matter
· fulfilling the assignment
· paying attention to the objective of the assignment (and taking it further)
· proper format and resolution
· completing your work on time 
· going beyond your first idea(s)

In the first semester of Photography 1, the overall quality of my work has been decent, but there is always room for improvement. With almost every project I had a pre-existing enthusiasm that was often hindered by other deadlines or lack of time management. The actual quality of my subject matter is good but overthought a little. Sometimes i add elements when I should just let the photo speak for itself. Often, I will meet the basic standard for the objective, but rarely take it one step further to better it. This is indeed something I aim to improve. Most all of the works are the proper resolution and format, with a few works blurring upon transfer and 1 or 2 of my index prints being improvised (i forget how to do it sometimes). Aside from one or two of my projects, my assignments are usually turned in on time, even with my pace tending to be slower than my other peers. It has been a slight struggle to expand beyond my first ideas as my vision doesn't translate into reality often.

2. Effort
· actively taking photos
· do you look for the most convenient subject/location/solution?
· how much effort or planning did you put into your photography?
· do you shoot more than is required?
· do you avoid photographic ideas that you perceive as difficult or that you think will take a lot of effort?
· if a shot is hard to get, do you give up?
· do you take risks? creative? conceptual? subject matter? technical?
· do you have a positive attitude when looking at other students work (participation, support for other students, accepting other’s feedback)?
· do you have a positive attitude toward your own photography, images and process?

On the standard of effort, whether is was for a project or not, I applied effort in photography. When it’s regarding a project, I will try to use different locations and material I can visualize. I won’t go out and purchase materials if I don’t have to.

3. Participation
· on time to class
· work throughout the block
· have a plan to work independently
· staying on task and using class time productively

4. Improvement
· creation of your own style; who am I as a photographer?
· improve technically?
· better composition?
· more compelling images?
· more confidence?
· stronger concepts?

Keep reminders in order to complete project in timely manner
5. Adjustment
What are you going to do differently in the 2nd Semester?


Project/lesson idea: 

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