Tuesday, September 24, 2019



  1. I think the photo is displaying the fear of letting people down. I think its is successful in showing that fear from the poses and color choice. I like how its a fun photo but still gets the message across. I don't like the math homework.

  2. I think the fear is of failure. Its represented very well with you looking very upset with getting a failing grade. Also a very good use of black and white.

  3. 1. I think the photo depicts the fear of failing.
    2. It is successful because all the different aspects such as the grade and the text message pull it together to give the overall message.
    3. I like how you were able to combine different photos into the one really smoothly.
    4. One thing that I do notice is that it's a little busy. I really like the concept but its a little confusing as to where I should look first. Maybe try placing them differently?

  4. I feel that the fear is disappointing people and letting them down. This picture is successful because of the color choices and organization. I like the photo because the layout is creative and the idea is original. The only thing I would change is to use a better model. ;)

  5. i think the fear is fear of failure. I think it is successful because it clearly shows a girl in destress about her bad grade. I love how you put the girl onto a background of a test, and also added in a text bubble. You could also have put a picture of all your class grades, but I love the math homework idea.

  6. I think the fear that the photo is conveying is disappointing others, especially those who are grading you on your work (teachers). I feel that the photo is successful in conveying this with the images of disappointment and bad grades almost popping up from the screen. I like how the mood is portrayed through the coloring of the image as well as several images being used. The only thing I would comment on is cutting images out closer to the edge, as a slight border is created around the different images.
